4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo

4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo

4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo
Proloco Foglizzo
Comune di Foglizzo
4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo

51th 4 Days International Foglizzo 2024

Approval VA 26/24 - VA 27/24 - VA 28/24 - VA 29/24
Non-competitive track event recreational motor in free walk
open to all of Km. 168 – 89 – 44
Valid international competitons I.V.V.
For contests valid Piede Alato FIASP
22 - 23 - 24 - 25 AUGUST 2024
The only Italian 4 days
Trails from: 10,21,42 km


Days x km.
Contribution with promotional gift of the event
Contribution to support the event
Contribution with promotional gift of the event
Contribution to support the event
1 x 10
10,00 €
3,50 €
10,50 €
4,00 €
1 x 21
10,00 €
3,50 €
10,50 €
4,00 €
1 x 42
13,00 €
7,50 €
13,50 €
8,00 €
2 x 10
14,00 €
7,00 €
15,00 €
8,00 €
2 x 21
18,00 €
7,00 €
19,00 €
8,00 €
2 x 42
20,00 €
15,00 €
21,00 €
16,00 €
3 x 10
19,00 €
10,50 €
20,50 €
12,00 €
3 x 21
22,00 €
10,50 €
23,50 €
12,00 €
3 x 42
26,00 €
22,50 €
27,50 €
24,00 €
4 x 10
25,00 €
14,00 €
27,00 €
16,00 €
4 x 21
31,00 €
14,00 €
33,00 €
16,00 €
4 x 42
32,00 €
30,00 €
34,00 €
32,00 €
Overnight stay with non-institutional contribution 2 or 4 days
40,00 €
Non-institutional contribution for pitch services
30,00 €
The participation contributions requested for the following event carried out in direct implementation of the institutional purposes of FIASP are subject to the tax regime referred to in Legislative Decree 03 July 2017 n. 117 Art. 85 Third Sector Code which prescribes not to be considered commercial. Please remember that, FOR NON-FIASP MEMBERS ONLY, in order to register for any FIASP event it will be mandatory to acquire the participation document with the increase of €0.50 providing your name, surname and date of birth. The additional participation fee of €0.50 defined as the "institutional federal fee" required of non-Fiasp MEMBERS is aimed at allowing them to participate in the event which includes the use of all federal services pursuant to Art. 6.4 of the Statute.
Individual recognition
Local product, Certificate of partecipation, and, if completed four days, Medal
Award of the group with at least 5 participants
Special award:
10,20 and 30 years of partecipation (4 days)*
* "VirtualRace" editions are included in the count
Bronze Medal, Silver, Gold
25 years of presence**
** "VirtualRace" editions are not included in the count
Honorary Citizenship
Late registrations: 20 August 2024

MEETING: The meeting will take place in the courtyard of the Castle

REGISTRATION: For the success of the event, registration will close on 20 August 2024 .

DEPARTURE: Departure for the first day of the race is set for 8.00/9.00 am, barring any changes, while the timetable for the following day will be posted on the noticeboard daily.

ROUTES: The routes, on always different routes, will take place on asphalt and dirt roads with little traffic and in a predominantly shady and restful environment.

CONTROL: Each member will be given a numbered card which will be stamped at control points and unexpectedly along the route.

ASSISTANCE MEASURES: In favor of participants connected to the event: M S B ambulance, catering as per the Federal Protocol, assistance on the routes, radio and/or mobile phone connection and assistance for the recovery of participants, closing service on the various routes. The event is insured through policies stipulated by FIASP with Groupama Filiale di Pordenone for:
A) Civil Liability towards Third Parties;
B) Accident guarantees for participants (without age limits).
The Insurance does not cover accidents of participants who do not stick to the official departure times, do not have a participation card with their name and surname and any group they belong to, do not respect the itineraries established by the Organization and the code of the street.

SHORT INFORMATION ON PERSONAL DATA: FIASP processes the personal data requested during registration (name, surname and date of birth) for organizational and insurance purposes, involving, if necessary, the Compagnia Assicurazione Spa. Both purposes DO NOT require the consent of the interested parties. The data processed by FIASP will not be transmitted abroad and will be stored until the end of the event and then destroyed. In any case they will not be subject to automated decision-making or profiling. The provision of the requested data, pursuant to ART. 6.4 current FIASP Statute, is necessary to proceed with registration and authorize the interested party to participate in the event. The same can however exercise the rights recognized by law, including by filing a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.


DECLARATION: Participants, by registering for the event, accept the FIASP Regulations which can be consulted at the "FIASP VISIBILITY" points present within the accreditation area. For anything not mentioned, in any case, FIASP regulation applies
APPROVED with Provision no. MN 105 of 07/08/2021 by the FIASP Territorial Committee of MN-MO-RE.

INJURIES: They must be reported immediately to the Technical Sports Stewards present at each FIASP event. The injured party, within 72 hours following the accident, by registered mail "R.R." must send to the Groupama Insurance Company Via De Paoli, 7 33170 Pordenone, the participation card with name and surname written and the medical or first aid certification and a circumstantial note of how and where the accident occurred. IMAGE RIGHT: By registering for the event the participant expressly authorizes the Organizers, together with the media partners, to acquire free of charge the right to use still or moving images that may portray him/her during his/her participation in this event, on all visual media, as well as on promotional and/or advertising materials.

REFRESHMENT PLACES: There will be refreshment points (7 for each route) with hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and fruit, while upon arrival there will be a super-refreshment area with spaghetti, hot broth, milk, wine and fruit with no added price on the ticket. registration.

OVERNIGHT STAY: It is possible to take advantage of the overnight stay service. Please remember that places are limited to around 100 and it is necessary to be equipped with sheets, blankets and pillows. It is possible to stay overnight in a caravan, camper or tent in an area adjacent to the Castle, subject to authorization from the organisation.

DINNER: It is possible to dine in Foglizzo every evening at a reasonable price and with genuine menus. Thursday 22 August welcome dinner, with all the marathon runners, in the Castle hall.

Proloco Foglizzo – A.P.S.
Via Castello, 6 -10090 - FOGLIZZO (TO)

INTERNET: www.prolocofoglizzo.it
E-Mail: info@prolocofoglizzo.it

or call the following numbers:
+39 011 988 38 52 DEBERNARDI Roberto (also fax)
+39 335 525 98 95 DEBERNARDI Roberto (mobile)
+39 339 356 05 33 MUSSO Renato (mobile)

Online registration Download the form
4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo
4 Giorni Internazionale di Foglizzo
4 Giorni Internazionale - Coutdown

52^ ED. 28-31/08/2025


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